CWB Webhook

This page contains samples as well as details about the CWB webhook object.

* Check out the Webhooks page to get instructions on how to set your webhook.

The CWB Webhook Object

This is the object (JSON) you will receive when you set up your webhook and someone fills out your form. It consists of the webhook event, apiVersion, and the data object . The data object contains the entry's (the form filler's) response, as well as reports generated by vForm on the response if required.

Full CWB Webhook Object Sample
  "event": "vform.completed",
  "data": {
    "accessId": null,
    "ipAddress": null,
    "completedVerifications": 9,
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      "transactionReference": "63c9c46bb48f6ae9d46bc2f6",
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      "availableBalance": 463050,
      "availableCredit": 0
    "upsertFrequency": 0,
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        "value": true,
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          "It’s difficult to say without more information about what the code is supposed to do and what’s happening when it’s executed. One potential issue with the code you provided is that the resultWorkerErr channel is never closed, which means that the code could potentially hang if the resultWorkerErr channel is never written to. This could happen if b.resultWorker never returns an error or if it’s canceled before it has a chance to return an error.\n\nTo fix this issue, you could close the resultWorkerErr channel after writing to it. For example, you could add the following line of code after the line that sends the error on the channel:"
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            "label": "User Information",
            "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bfdb0b8e96f5b8652d9f",
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            "lastName": "Osobase",
            "id": "63c9c4d38a056c097bb7afd9"
            "typeCountryCode": "NG",
            "firstName": "Jerry",
            "lastName": "Osobase",
            "dateOfBirth": null,
            "photo": null,
            "identityCardPhotoFront": "",
            "identityCardPhotoBack": "",
            "livenessCheckSnapshot": null,
            "status": "found",
            "report": {
              "id": "63c9c4d48db8b79f16914f79",
              "validations": {
                "data": {
                  "lastName": {
                    "validated": true,
                    "value": "Osobase"
                  "firstName": {
                    "validated": true,
                    "value": "Jerry"
                "validationMessages": ""
              "parentId": null,
              "status": "found",
              "reason": null,
              "dataValidation": true,
              "selfieValidation": false,
              "firstName": "JERRY",
              "middleName": "OSAMUDIAMEH",
              "lastName": "OSOBASE",
              "image": "",
              "enrollmentBranch": "",
              "enrollmentInstitution": "WEMA BANK",
              "mobile": "08138493645",
              "dateOfBirth": "1998-06-22",
              "isConsent": true,
              "idNumber": "22553780729",
              "nin": null,
              "shouldRetrivedNin": true,
              "businessId": "6222fac719fab43e133f0d44",
              "type": "bvn",
              "allValidationPassed": true,
              "gender": "",
              "requestedAt": "2023-01-19T22:31:48.360Z",
              "requestedById": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40",
              "country": "NG",
              "createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:31:48.373Z",
              "lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-19T22:31:48.373Z",
              "requestedBy": {
                "firstName": "API",
                "lastName": "User",
                "middleName": "",
                "id": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40"
            "validated": true,
            "__type": "identity",
            "_id": "63c9c4d38a056c9508b7afda",
            "label": "Identity",
            "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bfe20b8e96ec3b652dad",
            "type": "bvn",
            "value": "22553780729",
            "id": "63c9c4d38a056c9508b7afda"
        "validated": true,
        "__type": "reference",
        "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd1b621bf835",
        "label": "Reference Field Label",
        "fieldTemplateId": "63c9c2d30b8e962a52652de1",
        "referenceTemplateId": "63c9bfdb0b8e96183b652da5",
        "email": "",
        "id": "63c9c46b25efdd1b621bf835"
    "totalVerifications": 9,
    "fillDurationInMilliSeconds": 287278,
    "createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:03.521Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-19T22:31:48.907Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "_createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:033+00:00",
    "_lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-30T18:20:1111+00:00",
    "id": "63c9c46b25efdd314e1bf823"
  "links": []

The Webhook Attributes

This section contains object samples for all possible webhook events, as well as explanations for each in the Explanation tab.

  "event": "vForm.added",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "data": {...}

The Data Object

This object is made up of attributes that provide general information about the form entry. It also contains the field array, which consists of response objects for each section of the form.

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes.

  "data": {
    "accessId": null,
    "ipAddress": null,
    "completedVerifications": 9,
    "status": "not_cleared",
    "billingItemComponents": [
    "transactionDetails": {
      "transactionReference": "63c9c46bb48f6ae9d46bc2f6",
      "transactionId": "63c9c46bb48f6a667b6bc2f7",
      "amountCharged": 1480,
      "currency": "NGN",
      "availableBalance": 463050,
      "availableCredit": 0
    "upsertFrequency": 0,
    "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd314e1bf823",
    "businessId": "6222a5ed3e7a41c29c031ecc",
    "userId": "62346b6b283d48fb58b57e8e",
    "templateId": "63c967d725efdd42541bf668",
    "sharedId": null,
    "totalVerifications": 9,
    "fillDurationInMilliSeconds": 287278,
    "createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:03.521Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-01-19T22:31:48.907Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "_createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:033+00:00",
    "_lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-30T18:20:1111+00:00",
    "id": "63c9c46b25efdd314e1bf823"

The Fields Array

List of objects for each section of the form that contains responses from the person filling out the form and can contain a report on the responses after CWB performs verifications and validations on them as specified by the form owner.

Each section can be one of the following specified by the __type attribute in each objects. personal-information, identity, company-search, address, file-upload , reference ,supplementary-field , consent-verification.


The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the consent-verification field object.

      "value": true,
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "consent-verification",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efddb7491bf825",
      "label": "Request Verification Consent",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c967d725efdd359a1bf663",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efddb7491bf825"

Personal Information field object

This object stores the user's personal information; there may be one or more personal information fields, any of which can also be linked to identity or address fields by the form owner to serve as the default personal information for performing validations.

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the personal-information field object.

      "middleName": "Yin",
      "email": "",
      "dateOfBirth": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "gender": "MALE",
      "mobile": "+38781237458549",
      "photo": "",
      "relationship": "wife",
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "personal-information",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efddb6391bf826",
      "label": "User Information Field Label",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c967d725efdd78b21bf662",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "amlCheck": {
        "report": {
          "status": "cleared",
          "parentId": null,
          "isSubjectConsent": true,
          "middleName": "TEST",
          "pepList": [],
          "sanctionList": [],
          "firstName": "John",
          "lastName": "Doe",
          "businessId": "6222fac719fab43e133f0d44",
          "requestedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:07.324Z",
          "requestedById": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40",
          "createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:07.336Z",
          "lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:07.336Z",
          "_createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:077+00:00",
          "_lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:077+00:00",
          "id": "63c9c46dd80a7bfb6e9f1560",
          "requestedBy": {
            "firstName": "API",
            "lastName": "User",
            "middleName": "",
            "id": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40"
        "status": "cleared",
        "_id": "63d80a5b74738c257c3e4bfd"
      "id": "63c9c46b25efddb6391bf826"

Identity field object

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the identity field object.

      "typeCountryCode": "NG",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "dateOfBirth": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "photo": "",
      "identityCardPhotoFront": "",
      "identityCardPhotoBack": "",
      "livenessCheckSnapshot": null,
      "status": "found",
      "report": {
        "id": "63c9c46fdd95fcd7fc3c7f69",
        "validations": {
          "data": {
            "lastName": {
              "validated": false,
              "value": "Doe"
            "dateOfBirth": {
              "validated": false,
              "value": "2023-01-01"
            "firstName": {
              "validated": false,
              "value": "John"
          "selfie": {
            "selfieVerification": {
              "confidenceLevel": 25,
              "threshold": 80,
              "match": false,
              "image": ""
          "validationMessages": "First name does not match, Last name does not match, Date of birth does not match, Provided image does not match ID image"
        "parentId": null,
        "status": "found",
        "reason": null,
        "dataValidation": true,
        "selfieValidation": true,
        "firstName": "John",
        "middleName": null,
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "expiredDate": "2024-04-25",
        "issuedDate": "2019-04-29",
        "stateOfIssuance": "LAGOS",
        "notifyWhenIdExpire": false,
        "image": "",
        "mobile": null,
        "email": null,
        "dateOfBirth": "1981-04-25",
        "isConsent": true,
        "idNumber": "KJA08031BA51",
        "businessId": "6222fac719fab43e133f0d44",
        "type": "ndl",
        "allValidationPassed": false,
        "gender": "male",
        "requestedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:08.539Z",
        "requestedById": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40",
        "country": "NG",
        "createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:08.552Z",
        "lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:08.552Z",
        "requestedBy": {
          "firstName": "API",
          "lastName": "User",
          "middleName": "",
          "id": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40"
      "validated": false,
      "__type": "identity",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd64831bf829",
      "label": "Identity Field Label",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9c1bfeb600fc087807329",
      "type": "drivers-license",
      "value": "Kja08067aa01",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd64831bf829"

Business Search field object

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the company-search field object.

      "companyName": null,
      "registeredName": null,
      "companyAddress": null,
      "supportEmail": null,
      "supportPhoneNumber": null,
      "countryCode": "NG",
      "status": "found",
      "report": {
        "parentId": null,
        "searchBusinessName": null,
        "formerName": null,
        "registrationNumber": "RC1733970",
        "registryNumber": "1733970",
        "vatNumber": "23739807-0001",
        "registrationDate": "2020-11-12T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "registrationSubmissionDate": "2020-11-04T14:57:00.210+00:00",
        "dateDisolved": null,
        "tin": "23739807-0001",
        "jtbTin": null,
        "taxOffice": null,
        "email": "",
        "phone": null,
        "websiteEmail": null,
        "address": "NO. 220, FREEDOM WAY, LEKKI PHASE 1, ",
        "state": "LAGOS",
        "lga": "Lagos Island",
        "city": "LEKKI",
        "branchAddress": "NO. 220, FREEDOM WAY, LEKKI PHASE 1, , LEKKI, LAGOS STATE ",
        "headOfficeAddress": null,
        "objectives": null,
        "status": "found",
        "companyStatus": "INACTIVE",
        "isConsent": true,
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-10-07T14:27:18.767+00:00",
        "shareCapitalInWords": "ONE MILLION NAIRA",
        "paidShareCapital": "1000000",
        "subscribedShareCapital": "1000000",
        "sharesValue": "1 NGN",
        "activityDescription": "GENERAL CONTRACT AND MERCHANDISE",
        "sharesIssued": "1000000",
        "parentCountry": null,
        "companyContactPersons": [
            "contacts": {
              "email": [""],
              "phone": ["08030810838"]
            "name": "Sokari Blessing Boma "
        "country": "Nigeria",
        "countryCode": "NG",
        "keyPersonnel": [
            "name": "Sokari Blessing Boma",
            "designation": "PRESENTER",
            "isCorporate": false,
            "appointedOn": null,
            "resignedOn": null,
            "sharesType": null,
            "sharesValue": null,
            "sharesCount": null,
            "occupation": null,
            "nationality": null,
            "birthYear": null,
            "birthMonth": null,
            "birthDate": null,
            "dateOfBirth": "1990-08-29T23:00:00.000+00:00",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "address": null,
            "countryOfResidence": "NIGERIA",
            "number": null,
            "isForeign": "false",
            "documentType": "National Identification Number",
            "documentIssuedOn": null,
            "documentIssuedBy": null,
            "documentNumber": null,
            "email": "",
            "phone": "08030810838",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "companies": []
        "activities": [],
        "legalEntityIdentifierRegister": [],
        "centralIndexKeyRegister": [],
        "filings": [],
        "affiliates": [],
        "businessId": "6222fac719fab43e133f0d44",
        "type": "advance_company_check",
        "requestedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:12.862Z",
        "requestedById": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40",
        "searchTerm": "RC1733970",
        "createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:12.978Z",
        "lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:12.978Z",
        "_createdAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:1212+00:00",
        "_lastModifiedAt": "2023-01-19T22:30:1212+00:00",
        "id": "63c9c46f7eb0a0dff6186872",
        "requestedBy": {
          "firstName": "API",
          "lastName": "User",
          "middleName": "",
          "id": "6222fac719fab4c11a3f0d40"
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "company-search",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd34851bf82b",
      "label": "Business Search",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9b83feb600f5ea88072ab",
      "type": "registrationNumber",
      "value": "RC1733970",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd34851bf82b"

File Upload field object

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the file-upload field object.

        "name": "1674127188116",
        "size": 7028,
        "status": "completed",
        "validated": true,
        "__type": "file-upload",
        "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd8ca01bf82d",
        "label": "File Upload Field Label",
        "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bb3aeb600f3a9b8072d4",
        "url": "",
        "fileType": "jpg",
        "id": "63c9c46b25efdd8ca01bf82d"

Supplementary field object

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the supplementary-field field object.

      "value": ["Omah Lay"],
      "options": [],
      "status": "completed",
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "supplementary-field",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd41b21bf82e",
      "label": "What's your name",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bcb1e05ace51e6f8cbba",
      "type": "text",
      "format": "short",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd41b21bf82e"
      "value": ["Option 2"],
      "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
      "status": "completed",
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "supplementary-field",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd92a91bf82f",
      "label": "pick one",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bd3ce05ace819ff8cbd0",
      "type": "radio",
      "format": "short",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd92a91bf82f"
      "value": ["Option 1"],
      "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
      "status": "completed",
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "supplementary-field",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdde77c1bf830",
      "label": "pick one",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bd460b8e960d56652d85",
      "type": "dropdown",
      "format": "short",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdde77c1bf830"
      "value": ["Option 3"],
      "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
      "status": "completed",
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "supplementary-field",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd67821bf831",
      "label": "pick one or more",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bd4f25efdd5ce11bf7ca",
      "type": "dropdown",
      "format": "short",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd67821bf831"
      "value": ["2023-01-23"],
      "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
      "status": "completed",
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "supplementary-field",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd1f261bf832",
      "label": "Date of Birth",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bd59e05ace78fdf8cbd7",
      "type": "date",
      "format": "short",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd1f261bf832"
      "value": [
        "It’s difficult to say without more information about what the code is supposed to do and what’s happening when it’s executed. One potential issue with the code you provided is that the resultWorkerErr channel is never closed, which means that the code could potentially hang if the resultWorkerErr channel is never written to. This could happen if b.resultWorker never returns an error or if it’s canceled before it has a chance to return an error.\n\nTo fix this issue, you could close the resultWorkerErr channel after writing to it. For example, you could add the following line of code after the line that sends the error on the channel:"
      "options": ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
      "status": "completed",
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "supplementary-field",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd82021bf833",
      "label": "Explain yourself",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9bd650b8e9643b2652d8c",
      "type": "text",
      "format": "long",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd82021bf833"

Reference field object

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the reference field object.

      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "status": "cleared",
      "fields": [{...},{...},...],
      "validated": true,
      "__type": "reference",
      "_id": "63c9c46b25efdd1b621bf835",
      "label": "Reference Field Label",
      "fieldTemplateId": "63c9c2d30b8e962a52652de1",
      "referenceTemplateId": "63c9bfdb0b8e96183b652da5",
      "email": "",
      "id": "63c9c46b25efdd1b621bf835"

Address field object

The Sample and Explanation tabs below show a sample object as well as explanations for the attributes in the address field object.

        "candidate": {
          "middleName": null,
          "dateOfBirth": null,
          "email": null,
          "firstName": "John",
          "lastName": "Doe",
          "mobile": "34556666654",
          "image": ""
        "guarantor": {
          "firstName": null,
          "lastName": null,
          "email": null,
          "mobile": null,
          "image": null
        "business": {
          "name": null,
          "registrationNumber": null,
          "email": null,
          "mobile": null
        "address": {
          "flatNumber": "",
          "buildingName": "Sum House",
          "subStreet": "",
          "lga": "Yaba-Alagomeji",
          "country": "NG",
          "buildingNumber": "350",
          "landmark": "  Bukka House",
          "street": "Bornu Way",
          "city": "Lagos-Mainland",
          "state": "Lagos"
        "status": "not_applicable",
        "taskStatus": "NOT_APPLICABLE",
        "description": "To enter the estate, a security pin is required.",
        "report": null,
        "validated": true,
        "__type": "address",
        "_id": "62e299b98fbe590c099b43c2",
        "label": "Address",
        "fieldTemplateId": "62e282388fbe5975b39b423a",
        "type": "individual",
        "id": "62e299b98fbe590c099b43c2"

Last updated

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