Create an Individual Client
This endpoint allows you to create an individual client, also known as an individual actor or entity, depending on your nomenclature. This is typically an individual you have a business or commercial relationship with.
Name | Type | Description |
token* | String | API token |
Name | Type | Description |
actortype* | String | type of customer: |
firstName* | String | First name of the actor |
lastName* | String | Last name of the actor |
middleName | String | Middle name of the actor |
gender | String | The gender of the actor. This can be either |
nationality | String | The nationality type of the actor. This is the ISO alpha-2 country code: |
sourceOfIncome | String | The source of income of the actor. This can be: |
occupation | String | The occupation of the actor |
industry* | String | The industry of the actor's occupation. This can be: |
customerSegmentation | String[] | An array of strings of actor categories based on the business customer segmentation. This can be: |
dateOfBirth | String | The date of birth of the actor: This is represented using the JIS format |
accountNumbers* | Object[] | An array of account numbers that belong to the actor: |
accountType* | String | The type of account. It can be: |
accountNumber* | String | The account number. |
domicile | String | The country code where the account is domiciled. This is the ISO alpha-2 country code: |
accountCreationDate* | String | The date the account number was created. This is represented using the JIS format |
phones* | Object[] | An array of phone numbers belonging to the actor |
numberType | String | The type of phone number: |
countryCode* | String | This is the international dialling code of the corresponding country. US: |
phone* | String | The phone number: |
socials | Object[] | The array of social media accounts belonging to the actor |
type | String | The social media platform of the social account |
handle | String | The social media handle of the social account |
emails | Object[] | The array of email addresses belonging to the actor |
emailType | String | The type of email account: |
address | String | The address of the email account |
governmentIds* | Object[] | The array of government IDs belonging to the actor |
idType* | String | Type of ID |
value* | String | The ID number |
issuingAuthority | String | The organisation issuing the ID |
expirationDate | String | The date the ID expires. This is represented using the JIS format |
addresses* | Object[] | The array of addresses belonging to the actor |
addressType | String | The type of address: can be "home" or "office" |
line1* | String | Address line 1 |
line2 | String | Address line 2 |
postCode* | String | post/zip code of the address |
city* | String | Address city |
state* | String | Address state/province |
country* | String | address country. This is the ISO alpha-2 country code: |
lengthOfStay* | String | The length of stay at the address: |
countryCode | String | The country code of the phone number. This is the ISO alpha-2 country code: |
idNumber | String | The number of the ID |
kycVerifiedBy* | String | The KYC was done by one of: |
verificationId | String | Youverify KYC verification ID: |
Last updated